
It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for a neighbor

Would you be mine?
Won't you be mine?

God I love this weather. I can't stop smiling. I'm actually feeling excited for my first sunburn of the season.

It also helps when you finally find something to do with your life that actually makes you happy. That's right kids, this girl is going back to school for Radio Broadcasting. And it couldn't feel more appropriate for my life. This time next year I'll have a new career, a job that won't make me want to drive off a bridge on my way to work every morning.

This doesn't mean that I've abandoned my goal of getting my Master's in Psychology. I've wanted to do that for a long time too. But this new path fits better right now and it just makes sense to go after something that excites me just as much as grad school does.

School starts in July. And for the first time in my life, I actually can't wait.


Video Didn't Kill This Radio Star

When I moved back to the cities after college I developed this fantasy of working in the radio business. I used to walk to past the various local stations that [used to] broadcast from Butler Square downtown Minneapolis and wish I could be on of those cool cool people up in the studios overlooking the courtyard. This fantasy came out of the blue for me, I don't know exactly why. My college had a fun on-campus radio station of which many of my friends had their own shows and from which I had my live on-air debut after a rowdy night on campus at various parties/dancing at Bro. Willie's Pub when I decided I really needed to dedicate a song for a friend who's boyfriend was in town that night. I played Why Don't We Get Drunk (And Screw) by Jimmy Buffet. She wasn't amused since apparently she was still a virgin. Whatever.

I probably didn't develop this radio-bug during school because I didn't spend any time thinking about my future while I was in college. It was all about scraping by and having a fucking good time with my friends. What I don't really understand is why I never pursued this interest once I had graduated and had entered the workforce. It was obvious to me that I didn't have a clue what I wanted to do with my life and the initial jobs right out of college certainly weren't inspirational, that's for sure. Why didn't I go for it? I've always wondered. Eventually the fantasy faded and I was locked down in the Corporate World.

Since leaving the CW a couple of months ago, I've had a lot of time to think about what I really want to do with my life. I still want to go to school. My long term goal is always going to be to have a Master's degree in Psychology and I know that someday that will happen. But after this morning, I've begun to question if now is the right time.

Thanks to the fellas of The Powertrip morning show at KFAN (AM 1130 in the cities) the radio-bug is back, in full effect. I wasn't expecting it, at all. It all happened so fast. Yesterday I'm chatting via email with Hawkey and the next thing I know, it's 7am and I'm on the freaking air. My stomach was doing flips, but they were the excited kind. I got a complete rush from talking into that microphone and hearing my voice through the headphones. I was definitely a bit timid but WTF, the last time I was "on-air" I don't remember very well as it was like 10 years ago and I was hammered. Today was intimidating but in the way that excites you, in the way that challenges you to keep going. And the feeling still remains 9 hours later.

I have a meeting with a local broadcasting school on Monday.


The Fan

So, this one time my brother and I were driving to Wisconsin for a Dave Matthews concert weekend (which we do every year, 7 years running) he insisted on listening to sports talk radio until we lost signal. I was totally annoyed by this at first. But as I unwillingly listened, I started to slowly fall in love with it. It may have been because A.J. Pierzynski was a special guest on the show we were listening to and at the time he was one of my fav's on the Twins (until he went to the Sox and became the Worlds Biggest Assface). But regardless, I became infatuated with sports talk radio. When I actually worked for a living, I listened to and from work and sometimes even streamed via the net while I worked in my hole, I mean, cube.

Longstorylonger, this morning I woke up super early and decided to actually give my old morning show a listen. I missed those guys. On a whim, I emailed them. Nothing I've ever done before, but I was in a goofy mood. Probably because I had my first cup(s) of coffee in like 2 months and got a little high from the caffeine. Anyway, within minutes I got a response from the producer asking if I wanted to come in studio during a show sometime. He said they've been thinking about having fans come in from time to time and he thought I'd be the perfect first fan to do it. I told him to shut up. He responded that he was serious, so I said ok.

I'm going tomorrow at 7am. I told the producer to be honored because the last time I did anything at 7am it was against my will.

What station am I talking about, you ask? Well, hello, KFAN, obviously. It's really the only sports talk radio in the Twin Cities. I'll be hanging with The Powertrip morning show with the Superstar, Hawk, and Sludge (who I intend on fighting with because I think he's a sexist pig).

If they ask me to actually go on-air, I intend on telling them that I swear way too much for live radio and I'm assuming that'll ensure my voice not make an appearance. If they make me, I'll do my best to say "heck" and "shoot", but I can't make any promises.

Wish me luck. Luck for getting my ass up at 6am tomorrow, that is.


Ireland, Forever!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from all of us here in St. Pauly Land!

There are many good reasons for drinking,
One has just entered my head.
If a man doesn't drink when he's living,
How in the hell can he drink when he's dead?


Alphabet Meme

She done tagged me.

A- Available or Single? No.
B- Best Friend? St. Pauly Boy, Jill, Bubs, Cooney, AJ, Larry, Jen, & last but not least, Stinky Pete
C- Cake or Pie? Pecan Pie
D- Drink of Choice? Guinness
E- Essential Item? Toss up between my laptop and my iPod
F- Favorite Color? Blue
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Worms
H- Hometown? Hugo, MN (a.k.a. East Jesus)
I- Indulgence? Anything Kate Spade. I'm a whore for Kate Spade.
J- January or February? February, it's shorter.
K- Kids and names? No kids yet but apparently if we ever have a boy, SPB wants to name him Rod. Um...no.
L- Life is incomplete without…? Music
M- Marriage Date? May 21, 2005
N- Number of Siblings? One brother
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples
P- Phobias/Fears? Tornados, plane crashes, creepy crawly insects, rivers, sharks, fish in general, death, heights, President Bush, throwing up
Q- Favorite Quote? "Fuck 'em if they can't take a joke".
R- Reasons to smile? SPB playing his guitar, Pete hiding from something that scares him, wedding photos
S- Season? Spring (minus the muddy backyard)
T- Tag 3 people? Colin, Sri, Kyle
U- Unknown Fact About Me? I got a 98 on my drivers test but my driving record is hideous. # of times being pulled over: 16ish, can't recall the exact number. # of speeding tickets: 7. # of times to traffic court: 3. # of years on "probation": 2. # of accidents: 2. $$ spent on hideous driving record: Hundreds and hundreds.
V- Vegetable You Hate? I haven't found a veggie I couldn't get along with.
W-Worst Habit? Smoking and biting my nails
X- Xrays You’ve Had? Ankle & teeth
Y- Your Favorite Foods? Eggs Benedict, Toro sushi, chicken chimichangas, pizza, filet mignon, asparagus, sesame chicken, egg rolls, Jim Beam chicken wings from Green Mill
Z- Zodiac? Aries


OMG, the best thing about Spring is...

...when Pete comes back inside from the muddy back yard and only wants to lay down on the pretty light blue quilt on my bed. It's so wonderful!! I love Spring!

Pay For What You Get

Healthy self-esteem is super cool and everything but you really can't have good self-esteem unless you are 100% in touch with your faults. It's not easy but it's certainly liberating. Everyone gets to have faults, that's what so awesome about it. It's much better if you're aware of your own because that way when people judge you, you can just say "Yeah, totally, that's on my list of Personality Flaws". And you don't have to apologize for things on this list provided you're not running around your life throwing them at people like monkey poo. So unless there's an item on your list that truly makes your life miserable or has endangered the people that you love, then you just have to embrace it. Let yourself feel insecure about stuff. Let yourself get pissed every once and a while. Let yourself cry when you have a bad hair day (just don't let it happen a lot cuz that's just sad). As long as your accountable for your actions then you're fine.

Just to prove my point, here's portion of my Personality Flaws list:

1. I yell when I'm mad. SPB and Stinky Pete get the brunt of it and sometimes my mom or my brother. But never my dad for some reason.
2. I get angry about things I shouldn't get angry about.
3. I shoot my mouth off.
4. I'm fond of Flaw #3.
5. I bite my nails.
6. I'm insecure about what people think about me.
7. I'm really mean. Most of the time I keep it in my head though. I gotta let it out from time to time or I'd explode. This is where I've perfected the art of apologizing, but only when I'm wrong.
8. I'm really good at lying AND telling the truth and sometimes may choose one or the other at inappropriate times.
9. I don't answer my phone 99.99% of the time, on purpose. (But I'll check my voice mail right away so if it's an emergency, I'll call you right back, I swear.)
10. I allow myself to hate things and sometimes people, although it really takes a lot for me to hate a person so if you're actually on that list, I'd be very afraid.

There's plenty more where that came from but I'd like to keep them just for me.

If one or the combination of all the above items from my Personality Flaws list make me a bad person, then I'd venture to say that the majority of people on this planet are bad people. But being the optimist that I am, I believe the opposite. Having these flaws makes me real. I'd really rather be real than move through this life lying to people about who I am.


Criteria For Changing The Channel

Seeing a clip from a show on HGTV in which a young couple wants to know what their house is worth (4 bedroom, french country home in Seattle with views of the lake and mountains and 2400 square feet) and hearing the statement: (paraphrasing) "We'd like to know what our house is worth because we're thinking about having another baby* and we'd like to find something with a little more space."

Ummm...more space, you say? You mean the fact that my house could fit TWICE plus a tool shed inside yours means that not only do we not have enough room to have A kid but we should seriously consider downsizing by giving up the dog and perhaps even one half or three quarters of the two adult humans living in this house? Really?

Take your 2400 square feet, your four fucking bedrooms, and the view of nature at its finest and stick it up your ass.

I'm going to watch a re-run of Family Guy now.

*Which would make 2 whole kids.....total.


Closed Circuit

This is a public service announcement.

If material of this blog is deemed offensive or hurtful to the reader in any way, please refrain from coming to this site. St. Pauly Girl does not sugar coat things nor does she hold back on telling it like it is. The messages and views posted to this site are hers and hers alone. If you don't like it, Go Away.

Thank you for your support.


Meet My New Friends: Snowblower & Shovel

With St. Pauly Boy in sunny California this week, Snowblower and I spent some quality time together. Along with our sidekick, Shovel. There were good moments and bad. Snowblower isn't always willing to cooperate, but a few kicks, pushes, and lots of cussing, we have solidified our love/hate relationship with each other. In fact, he's in my garage right now probably pissed at me for making him do that last pass, but dammit, there are kids who need to go sledding, suck it up Blower. Shovel is a reliable friend who always pulls through when Blower decides he's too good for the drift left behind by Plow.

After 3 hours, Snowblower, Shovel, and I have successfully crafted pathways for all the neighborhood kids and their sleds. Mailman also had a splendid route from the sidewalk to our mailbox where he will deposit all of that wonderful junk mail that we get on a daily basis. Perhaps our greatest triumph of the day was our defeat of Plow. We came, we saw, we kicked his ass. Plow thought he would be all cute and bury us in under 2 feet of snow and big chunks of ice. But we showed him. Truck can back out of the driveway without even needing 4 wheel drive. In your face, you big fat bully, Plow! Oh and the barricade you built on our sidewalk, yep, it's gone. HA! You can't beat me. I will kick your ass, Plow.

I am quite proud of our achievements this week. But it better not snow, ever again.


Behold....Vegas Blogging

My Vegas cherry was officially popped last week. And god was it good. Much better than when I lost my virginity, that's for sure. St. Pauly Boy and I had a total blast in Sin City. I have never desired to go to Las Vegas, not being a huge fan of gambling or prostitutes, I never really had the need to check it out. So when I decided that I was in need of a warm breeze to combat the negative temps we had lately, I surprised myself when I quickly decided that Vegas was calling my name.

What did I love about Vegas, you ask? Well, here's the list (in no particular order):

1) When you fly in to the city, you may as well be landing right on The Strip the airport is so close. None of those horrible traffic ridden 90 minute cab rides from JFK to Manhattan. 8 minutes and you're at your hotel, baby.

2) Hotel room on the 28th floor, facing The Strip. It was around 6pm when we walked into our room, the lights of the city casting a vibrant hue over the king sized bed with a white down comforter.....I actually jumped up and down, I was so excited.

3) Blackjack. OMG I love Blackjack. I've surprisingly never played Blackjack at a casino before so sitting down to my first table in Vegas was dope. Cheers to my favorite dealer at the Paris casino, Ned, who's name tag says "Employee of the Month" even though he had won the honor 4 months prior. A Brooklyn native, he had the accent that makes you want to drink beer and watch baseball and his features were an equal cross between Billy Joel and Sly Stallone (both of which we guessed correctly when he quizzed the table, asking which 2 celebrities he most looked like).

4) Free beer when gambling. When we weren't at a table, SPB and I were bellied up to a Blackjack slot machine. For hours. There's just no good reason to leave when they keep bringing you beer, cigs when you run out, and your $20 bill lasts for 4 hours. There's almost no point in going to the bars with that sweet set up, especially when drinks are like $8.

5) Drinking & gambling at noon on a weekday. Mandalay Bay was our favorite daytime spot. We had so much fun, we canceled our reservation for a fancy dinner that evening. Needless to say, we were tipped over by 6pm, when we made our way back to NYNY to grab a slice of pizza and ride the Manhattan Express roller coaster.

6) Manhattan Express roller coaster, New York New York. We rode twice. Back to back. After having a marathon day at the slots and a slice of pizza. Some may say it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but we survived. In fact, it was quite fun and not at all nauseating.

7) Lunch at the Venetian, on the [indoor] canal. I don't remember the name of the place, but it was a great Italian restaurant were I had the BEST caprese salad ever. The mozzarella was sliced 2 inches thick and the tomatoes were grilled. Even the guy sitting next to us was drooling over it, to his fiance's embarrassment.

8) Breakfast at the Grand Buffet in the MGM Grand. You know when you go out to breakfast and you really want an omelet AND a waffle with fresh peaches and whip cream, but they don't serve those items in the same dish and you'd have to order 2 different meals just to serve your craving? Well, not at the GB, baby. You can have it ALL. And it was all so gooo-oo-oo-d.

9) Standing on the overpass between the MGM and NYNY, feeling the warm breeze, and looking all the way down The Strip. No snow. Warm breeze. Omg, I love a warm breeze.

10) Last but certainly not least, in fact, probably one of my favorite things from our trip.....the fountain at The Bellagio. Choreographed to "Viva Las Vegas" by Elvis Presley it was by far the cheesiest and most glorious thing I've ever seen. The only thing that would have made it better is if Brad Pitt and George Clooney were there with me.

As you can see, it was a good trip. But I cannot publish this post until I've done the negative justice as well. But I only have one thing to bitch about...Vegas Guy. The bald, middle aged, married man who is attending a conference and taking advantage of the Vegas life with his colleague buddies while away from his wife and kids, going golfing during the day then returning to the casino at night polluting the public with their drunken rhetoric and who's-got-the-biggest-cock style golf stories. While attempting to have a nice dinner at a Japanese restaurant we were surrounded by a large table of Vegas Guys and it took all of my strength not to go over there, smash their heads together and stick their plastic chopsticks, which at least 5 of them were drumming on their water glasses, the sound was echoing above their loud voices through the restaurant, up their fucking noses. I. Hate. Vegas. Guy.

Despite Vegas Guy, I loved the trip from beginning to end and will gladly accept another opportunity for a getaway to the glory that is Sin City.