

I did it. I don't really know why, I just felt like it. I did it on my own terms, no one made me. But I fully recognize how lame I am because I now have an active MySpace page. Oh lord, what have I done?


Tropically Depressed

As you may have heard, I'm tropically depressed at the moment. I think it's because everyone is so mad at me for coming to Texas. I can't understand it, I just wanted to go to a little rodeo. I'm not trying to hurt anyone.

I would like to thank the media for broadcasting my issues with depression all over the world. It's so nice to see my picture in the paper next to statements like "Erin Depressed" and "Erin's Depression Drenches Texas". It's not my fault, you guys! I'm even taking anti-depressants! I think it's Global Warming's fault, that bastard. I always hated that guy. He has no idea what it's like to deal with depression. Lay offs, G Warm! I'm trying my best here!!


Radio Blogging: Farva

Anyone who willingly joins the radio broadcasting industry is undoubtedly going to encounter some major douche bags in their career. Well, let's just say, I'm starting early.

There is this one guy in my class, we call him Farva (Super Troopers reference), who is a total douche bag nightmare. I've compiled a list of reasons why he is number 1 on my douche bag hit list. It goes a little something like this:

1. He wears a hat (over his ungroomed pony-tail-on-top-short-on-bottom hair) that reads: Believe The (Pissed Off) Attitude.
2. The hat is disgustingly dirty.
3. He wears cut off t-shirts, jean shorts, black socks, and old tennis shoes. Everyday.
4. His clothes/shoes are disgustingly dirty.
5. His teeth are literally rotting out of his mouth. What's left of them are dark yellow or black and all of them are pointy.
6. He drinks at minimum 2 liters of Pepsi Max within each 4 hour class period. Sometimes he drinks it right out of the 2 liter bottle, but most of the time he is drinking out of this gigantic refillable bottle with a handle and a spout.
7. He sleeps in class. Even when we're in the studio. He literally lays on the floor, stretches out so that his belly and boxers are hanging out, and once he's asleep he drools and snores. IN THE STUDIO.
8. When he's not sleeping, he talks. All the time. About nothing. He's inappropriate and gross and straight up obnoxious. One day he was bragging about having drank 2 1.75 liter bottles of Captain Morgan over the weekend. By himself. And he added that this amount is actually much, much less than he used to drink. Be proud, Farva. Be proud.
9. You can actually hear his laugh through the sound-proof walls of the studio.
10. His fingernails are caked with dirt as if his hands have never seen nor touched water or soap.

And for extra credit...

11. He's always late. Sometimes an hour and a half late to class. He misses his time on almost ALL of his studio jobs (running the board, reading the news, reading commercial spots, etc). When he does show up, he's usually telling someone else that they're not doing it correctly.

To summarize, it's a joy to share classtime with him. Pure joy.