
Put This In Your Blender And Smoke It.

My response to Blender's 50 Worst Things to Happen to Music is stated below. For the record.

#50 - Back off The Beatles, man! Seriously. Don't take them on. You cannot win. And in response to the question you pose ("And is there anyone alive who hasn't suffered a collapse of the will to live during 'When I'm Sixty-Four'?") the answer is me. I'm still alive. And I'll put that song on repeat just to get under your skin. Screw off.

#42 - You can totally have Scott Stapp. I'm still pissed that he rebelled from his Christian fundamentalist upbringing and dove into mainstream pop/rock. If that had never happened, I wouldn't even have to know he exists.

#40 - Have Jimmy Buffet too. Most overrated musician ever. Stick a cheeseburger in it, Jimmy, I've had enough.

#38 - Sting? That's all you have to say for yourself?? No justification for his presence on this list? I'm going to assume it's a typo, and move on.

#36 - Agreed. Pick a fucking name, Mr. Self-Important-Ego-maniacal-Combs-Diddy-Daddy-Puffy-Warbucks.

#35-32 - Not even worth printing. Can't believe you wasted the effort.

#29 - How could anyone have anything against a kid like Josh Grobin?? He's harmless. And goddamn he has a good voice. I detect some jealousy in your statement.

#28 - Totally, dude. We used to have one on Nicollett Mall called "Let It Be" Records. Aside from having the coolest name for a business, since the invention of business, it was also really fun to sit on the patio of the pub across the street and watch the cute little indie-freaks roaming in and out. I heart indie-freaks!

#26 - Adam Duritz's dreadlocks were dead sexy. No, I am not kidding.

#24 - Should move to the #1 spot, IMHO.

#22 - HI.

#21 - My favorite entry to agree with on this list. Hip Hop videos are so incredibly ridiculous, I'm appalled that money is even spent on them. Gross.

#14 - LOL. I admit, I had my boyband phase. But I'd be ok with wiping out Florida all together. (As long as Rebecca's parents move up here first, that is).

#12 - The sole purpose for the existence of KFed and his beautifully talented wife...Britney, is it?...is to make us all feel better about ourselves. Mission accomplished, Mr. & Mrs. Spears.

#11 - Cannot believe the words "irretrievably dull" were used here. I'm seriously starting to want to kick your ass. But you didn't mention DMB* in that entry so I'll let it go this time.

#7 - Lay off God, dude. What's he ever done to you?

#6 - Righto, chap.

#4 - Couldn't. Agree. More. And appropriate placement on the list, I might add. Just gives me the willies.

#2 - Fo'shizzle, m'a nizzle. But you better watch your back for printing that.

#1 - Are you kidding me? That is your #1 worst thing to happen to music?? Ok, grandpa.

*Note from the editor: the spell-check suggestion for DMB is "dumb". That pisses me off a little.