
Ok, just go ahead and shoot me now.

We watched Capote this weekend. I have to say, I was b.o.r.e.d. Don't get me wrong, Phillip Seymour Hoffman was great in the role but the story was just not good enough to keep my attention. I never read (or heard of, for that matter) the book "In Cold Blood" and maybe my admission of this makes me sound like a completely ignorant, uneducated a-hole. But I do have a college degree, so I'm going to give myself the benefit of the doubt and say that it's OK that I've never heard of the book, nor it's author. Capote is a funny little character, I'll give ya that. But as I watched the movie, my thoughts toggled between "when's it going to get as good as everyone says it is?" and "how much is left of this movie, I want to go to bed" and "god, I really need to get a pedicure."

I know. I suck for not liking this movie. Give me gay cowboy sex anyday over the story of some author falling in love with a psychotic murderer, any day. I'm going to go home and watch Napolean Dynomite now.