
Why Lie To The Internets?

I did something incredibly stupid today. I Googled someone from my past. Someone whom I'm very happy is in my past instead of my present. Someone who literally made my life a living hell for about a year, the most important year of my life at that, the year I got married. For blogging purposes, let's call her....Tascha. So why did I do it? Why did I Google her? Morbid curiosity about her pathetic life, I guess. She's the kind of chick who creates a culture of pure drama and heart ache and then blames the world for allowing her to constantly be the victim of inappropriate treatment. She lies, she's incredibly manipulative, and she's just not mentally stable. And the sad thing about that, is that she has yet to fully accept how completely insane she is. She honestly thinks that she's the normal one and everyone else in the world is crazy. I think part of the reason why it was so hard for me to end it with her was because of my pity for the poor abandoned stray animal that nobody loves. Turns out, if a stray animal is insane, they put it to sleep.

I was friends with Tascha through my Sis-In-Law and at first she was just a person to call when you were totally bored and no one else was able to meet you at the bar. She was my last resort. I'm fully aware of the fact that this attitude and behavior is just as bad as the shit I hate about Tascha and trust me when I say I severely regret it. I never should have even allowed myself to be friends (even the pretend kind) just to appease my brother and his wife. I just love my SIL so much, I didn't want to make it difficult for her being in the middle of some junior high friendship spat.

In the meantime, I allowed myself to get in way, way too deep. I listened to all of her life sob stories, her fucked up childhood, blah blah blah, and because of that, she sort of latched on to me, as a confidant, someone she trusted. At the time I was fine with that because I never knew she would turn out the way she did. I wish I had that 6th sense that people talk about, it would have saved me a LOT of drama.

St. Pauly Boy and I were engaged when I met Tascha. We had set the date, chosen a wedding party, the whole nine yards. She had a boyfriend, whom I loved and was completely normal, and soon after we met they also got engaged. Next thing I know, Tascha schedules her wedding for 2 weeks before mine. Ok, a little weird, but whatever. My SIL agrees to be her Maid of Honor (she and my bro weren't married at the time), poor thing, she really didn't want to, but the sad thing is, Tascha literally has zero friends. It's hard to say no when someone asks you to stand up for them at their wedding. I outta know, since I couldn't say no when Tascha asked me to be a bridesmaid. I had just met this girl! WTF? She asked me at the bar, around midnight, and quite frankly I was hammered. How unfortunate. God I still regret that moment. I agree to be a fucking bridesmaid for a girl I can't stand who's wedding is 2 weeks before mine?? And the even more fucked up thing about it was that the reason she asked me is that she had been turned down by her fiance's sister. She didn't want to be in the wedding! DAMN I should have taken my cue from her.

Anywho, the drama thickens when suddenly all of Tascha's pre-wedding festivities begun conflicting with everything that was already arranged for ours. Showers, bachelorette party, everything. Not only did the dates conflict, but the actual events were exactly the same. She wanted to have a couple's shower at a bowling alley, which was exactly what my MOH was throwing for us already. She wanted to have her bachlorette party at a Twins game after I had already planned that with my MOH as well. It was sick. And then she had the balls to confront me like I was the one who was being stupid. Um. Yeah.

So I survived the nightmare of her wedding. It was seriously horrible. When I got home, I literally through the ugly bridesmaids dress into the garbage bin in our driveway. It felt like a relief.

There is a lot more drama from my short history with this crazy bitch, but I'm just exhausted from reliving this, so I'm just gonna get to the point. My SIL finally ended her relationship with Tascha. I was thrilled to hear she had finally gotten out. So, when I Google her today and find out that she's posted this long fabricated story on her blog about how horrible SIL treated her and how she wanted to "break-up" with her since her own wedding almost two years ago. Anyone who knows my SIL knows she's too sweet to ever hurt anyone. And anyone who's met Tascha knows she's downright insane. But reading the post brought back all of those horrible negative feelings that she brought to my life. All of the lying and manipulation, just to make sure that no one ever had a reason to blame her for anything. She even lies to the people on the internet, who don't even know her. How sick is that?

Life is too short. We carry a lot of baggage around with us as adults and it's hard enough to just allow yourself to drop the baggage long enough to enjoy a sunny day and a nice glass of iced tea. No one needs this kind of person in their life.

I guess there's one positive aspect of my Google adventure today. I have reaffirmed my belief that the only people you should allow into your life are those who enhance the best side of you. People who make you feel good and bring out all of the positive aspects of your personality. It's such a hard lesson, but I learned it. Just say no to the Tascha's of the world and all of us will be just fine.

P.S. Vegas was awesome awesome awesome. I'll post my Vegas Blogging later.