
Instructions On How To Become A Shut-In

Quit your job when it's minus 30 degrees for an extended period of time. At least, that's what works for me. It's deceivingly sunny and bright outside which automatically makes me think it's warm. Oh but it's not. So far I've run 2 quick errands in the last 2 days and both times traumatic. For example, I just got back from Errand #2 (grocery store) and realized that I forgot one key ingredient (wine, because who eats a good London Broil without wine) and now St. Pauly Boy and I are arguing about who has to go on a liquor store run. The pathetic thing is, the liquor store is two blocks away. I just can't do it. I'm freezing. I'll have to trade him for some other mundane task that needs to get done around the house, which I doubt will work considering my husband is an "only child" whose stubbornness could rival c\m/k and anyone who knows that guy understands what kind of scale we're using to measure stubbornness, here.

Thank god for Vegas in 2 weeks from yesterday. I'm going insane.