
I'm St. Pauly Girl and I Approve This Message.

The election process in this country should be something that stimulates it's citizens. It should be invigorating to envoke our constitutional right to vote, to communicate our individual choice for governmental office based on our opinions and concerns about the society to which live. It's liberating to be able to say, for the record, I choose YOU to represent my best interests and the best interests of society in general. We totally take it for granted and I can understand why. Who wants to get involved when all we are bombarded with is negative media? Commercial after commercial, literally back to back, and there's nothing positive to say. And if they do say something positive it normally comes out sounding rather insincere and sometimes downright slimy. Who wants to participate in this process when voting day finally arrives and you are already weak with frustration and annoyance at the constant stream of political media we are forced to absorb on a daily basis. And the most disturbing thing about political media is that it's not about the issues. You don't learn more about a candidate by watching their campaign commercials. The only thing you learn is that they're just another typical politician, talking in circles and standing still.

But the thing of it is, we have to involve ourselves. It's our responsibility. Yes, they make it very hard to want to and even make it hard to educate ourselves appropriately as to make the right decision for ourselves. But we still have to put in our time. Because we live here. It's our job to participate. I don't like taking out the garbage, but if I didn't, there'd be rats all over my house. If we don't vote and we end up with rats all over our government, we have no right to bitch and we certainly cannot blame those responsible for letting the rats in. You have to live with it, knowing you had the chance to have a voice and you chose not to use it.

Every vote counts. It may not be the deciding factor for your candidate's campaign but it sure is the deciding factor for your contribution to society.