
Zach Made Me Do It

I have this ongoing argument with a friend of mine from work regarding television. We both pretty much love TV, so that's not the issue. The issue developed when he began badmouthing "Grey's Anatomy", just because he knows it became my new favorite show after "The West Wing" got cancelled last year. He hates Grey's because it's too superficial and unrealistic (as far as the medical cases go). Like any of us give two shits about whether or not a human being could actually survive having a 2 foot tree trunk lodged in their sternum or that two people could become attached by a big pole shooting through their chests as a result of some kind of crazy train crash or something. We care about the superficial stuff. Like whether or not George is going to take his hot girlfriend back even after she slept with McSteamy...who wouldn't sleep with McSteamy, by the way. We care about who Meredith is going to choose, Finn or McDreamy, even though it's always been quite obvious that she'd pick McDreamy...who wouldn't pick McDreamy, by the way. We care about Izzy cashing the 8 million dollar check and getting over cute Denny dying, and Berk getting his arm back so he can be a world-class surgeon again. There's no time to worry about the validity of the medical cases that they present to us.

As my revenge, I decided to hate his television obsession, which is the hit-series "Lost". I decided that the whole premise of the show kind of irritates me. A bunch of people stranded on some remote island, yet somehow they all have artillary? An airplane that literally busts in half for no apparant reason, and all those people....survive......?? It all seems a little too out there to grab my attention. I know, I know, they explain the whole thing and you just have to watch it in order to understand and the second you start watching, you'll be hooked. It'll be your brand new addiction, much safer than Blow. My severe, Type A stubborness would gladly take Blow over allowing myself to become just another Obsessed-Lost-Watcher.

That is, until now.

I had to report a possible change of heart to my work friend yesterday. It appears that one of the Obsessed-Lost-Watchers that I refuse to associate myself with, just so happens to be my favorite actor whom I lovelovelove, like, wallpaper-on-my-laptop love. Suddenly I find myself strangely drawn towards Blockbuster so that I can rent the first two seasons and watch them, all in one weekend. That's what my work friend says I'd do, because they're so good you can't just eat one.

So here I sit. Borderline sell out due to a school girl style celebrity crush, all of my principles hanging in the balance. How's that for drama?