
Silly Little Airline Staff

In the wake of a disturbing story posted by Squab earlier today, regarding a family who were kicked off of a Delta Airlines flight because the woman was breast-feeding in what she believed was as discreet as humanly possible and refused to cover herself and her child with a big wool blanket that the flight attendant asked her to use due to the offensive act that is feeding your child as nature intended, here are some airline quotes from Overheard In New York. They're funny.


London Calling

Part of the pleasure of living in a DINK household is the freedom for spontaneity. The other part is actually being spontaneous. St. Pauly Boy and I aren't very spontaneous (unless you count going to the bar at the last minute instead of cooking dinner at home). We're pretty structured. We work Monday through Friday and for the most part stay home at night and watch TV. On weekends we go out on Fridays and stay home on Saturdays with two movies and either pizza or chinese take-out. Yes, having Stinky Pete does remove some of that flexibility to up and take a road trip for a weekend, on a whim. But we have lots of doggie-care resources. Lots. If Grandma and Grandpa can't take him (let's face it, they always WANT him, it's just whether or not they're available) then he goes to the luxurious Doggy-Spa where he's pampered and played with* and comes home nicely groomed and tired as hell. The Doggy-Spa is a dog-owners dream come true, minus the price tag, hence hitting up G-ma and G-pa before shipping him off to the Fabulous Life of Non-Celebrity Dogs.

So enough is enough. We're taking advantage of our place in life, we're dumping the dog at the Grandparents or the Doggy-Spa and we're heading over to Europe for a weekend. London, to be exact. I've never been, so I couldn't be more excited about it. We leave on a Friday night and return Monday afternoon. We'll have a total of 16 hours on the plane, there and back, and 48 hours total in the city.

Ok, so the real reason we're going is because St. Pauly Boy came up short for his Platinum status with his airline this year. Platinum isn't something you just want to give up. So I told him I would support him flying to Europe and back just to get the miles. And then when I really thought about it, there's just no way in hell I'm letting him go alone. So off to London we go. I cannot wait!!
*Here's how spoiled Pete is: I actually fork over an extra amount per day at the Doggie-Spa so Pete can get extra playtime. Good fucking god, I'm a maniac.


Oops, I Said It Again

We saw Borat last night. I laughed my ass off for 97% of the movie. The 3% in which I didn't laugh can be broken down like so:

1) Old man @ rodeo who insists Borat shave his moustache to avoid being confused as a Muslim. It was too sad to laugh at. Just too sad.

2) The wrestling scene. Enough said.

3) Frat boys in the RV. Now here's where I have more to say. As if their statements weren't offensive enough, they are now suing the studio claiming they were humiliated and misled by the production team. Whatever. Whether or not their claims are true regarding being "misled" they still said what they said and it sure sounded like they meant it. I think they should be humiliated by their sexism and bigotry. There's no excuse for acting like that. I hope they get killed* by the studio.

*Figuritively, not literally, of course.


Karen Walker Is Must Less Evil

Is it just me or was Michelle Bachman going for the Karen Walker look on election night?

Or did she think she was just elected Prom Queen instead of Congresswoman?

There's just no reason for prom hair at an election. No reason.


Fallback Shocker

If we don't get any campaign shockers this term, at least we have this as the fallback:

Spears Boots K-Fed to the Curb

I just didn't see this coming.

To Vote or Not To Vote....It's Not An Appropriate Question!

In the coffee room at work there's a sign that someone tacked on the corkboard that says "GO VOTE. This time it matters."

I'm just wondering when it doesn't...I'll have to find the author and ask he or she when it's appropriate to vote and when I can just skip it because it doesn't matter.



I'm St. Pauly Girl and I Approve This Message.

The election process in this country should be something that stimulates it's citizens. It should be invigorating to envoke our constitutional right to vote, to communicate our individual choice for governmental office based on our opinions and concerns about the society to which live. It's liberating to be able to say, for the record, I choose YOU to represent my best interests and the best interests of society in general. We totally take it for granted and I can understand why. Who wants to get involved when all we are bombarded with is negative media? Commercial after commercial, literally back to back, and there's nothing positive to say. And if they do say something positive it normally comes out sounding rather insincere and sometimes downright slimy. Who wants to participate in this process when voting day finally arrives and you are already weak with frustration and annoyance at the constant stream of political media we are forced to absorb on a daily basis. And the most disturbing thing about political media is that it's not about the issues. You don't learn more about a candidate by watching their campaign commercials. The only thing you learn is that they're just another typical politician, talking in circles and standing still.

But the thing of it is, we have to involve ourselves. It's our responsibility. Yes, they make it very hard to want to and even make it hard to educate ourselves appropriately as to make the right decision for ourselves. But we still have to put in our time. Because we live here. It's our job to participate. I don't like taking out the garbage, but if I didn't, there'd be rats all over my house. If we don't vote and we end up with rats all over our government, we have no right to bitch and we certainly cannot blame those responsible for letting the rats in. You have to live with it, knowing you had the chance to have a voice and you chose not to use it.

Every vote counts. It may not be the deciding factor for your candidate's campaign but it sure is the deciding factor for your contribution to society.