
Oops, I Said It Again

We saw Borat last night. I laughed my ass off for 97% of the movie. The 3% in which I didn't laugh can be broken down like so:

1) Old man @ rodeo who insists Borat shave his moustache to avoid being confused as a Muslim. It was too sad to laugh at. Just too sad.

2) The wrestling scene. Enough said.

3) Frat boys in the RV. Now here's where I have more to say. As if their statements weren't offensive enough, they are now suing the studio claiming they were humiliated and misled by the production team. Whatever. Whether or not their claims are true regarding being "misled" they still said what they said and it sure sounded like they meant it. I think they should be humiliated by their sexism and bigotry. There's no excuse for acting like that. I hope they get killed* by the studio.

*Figuritively, not literally, of course.