
Reasons Why I Love Instant Messenger

This conversation.

(Precursor: St Pauly Boy (a.k.a. TheDude) and I are discussing our timeline of events for this evening. He wanted me to bail on my manicure appointment so that we could get to the restaurant early - we're having dinner with My Bro and Future Sis-in-Law and then going to the Science Museum to see the new Human Body exibit. I told him to just ride with G & J and I'd meet them there, if it was that big of a freakin' deal to get there at like 5. He assured me that I should do what I have to do, and then the following conversation ensued.)

TheDude says:
i'm freakin' pissed though

E-Diggity says:

TheDude says:
i made some mac and cheese for lunch then wanted to add some pepper and the lid fell off the pepper shaker and the ENTIRE bottle dumped into the pot

TheDude says:
that's why i'm pissed

E-Diggity says:

TheDude says:
the pepper incident

E-Diggity says:
that's hilarious!!

TheDude says:
not funny

TheDude says:
not funny at all

TheDude says:
i swear there's more pepper in there then noodles and sauce

TheDude says:

TheDude says:
i'm going for a second try now

TheDude says:
but it's the white cheddar stuff that i don't like as much as the regular yellow stuff

TheDude says:
i don't know why i buy it

TheDude says:
it's 3 cents more then the yellow stuff

TheDude says:
so it's more expensive and not as good

E-Diggity says:
honey, do what ya gotta do

TheDude says:
oh i'm doing it

TheDude says:
and i'm going to add pepper too

TheDude says:
only this time i'll hold onto the lid

Is it strange that I find my husband fastination and pure love of mac & cheese to be a bit of a turn on?