
Hang On, This Could Be A Bump'y Ride.

While I throughly enjoyed myself during Draft Weekend, I have to say that I agree with Bump. Underwhelming, from the Viking's persective. B- to a C+ grade on the Vikes performance. Yes our first pick was fantastic, just how it was predicted by 99.9% of the Mock Draft World. But let's not break our arms trying to pat each other's backs. We need a good 3 years to figure out whether or not any of our draft decisions were good. Or not good. Vikes history would point us towards not, but as usual, the fans (or at least, the "real" fans, IMHO) remain optimistic. New coaching, good free agency pick-ups, and an "O.K." draft...it's a rebuilding year, we've got a good chance at being good. Too many uses of the word "good" here, I know, but it's the only word I can use in this circumstance, I'm sorry. Can you hear me now? Good.

But on a lighter note, the rainy, gloomy weather and the 8 hour straight footage of NFL drama, provided St Pauly Boy and I a fantastic, almost zen-like, environment on Saturday. No, I did not survive the entire 8 hours of ESPN goodness without a little catnap, which consequently came upon me 2 minutes before the Vikings were on the clock. But I fought back, heard the word "Greenway", debated whether or not Tag's just said "Green Bay" but then realized that it's assinine to think that the Vikings just drafted the entire Green Bay Packers in the first round (everyone knows they wouldn't be worthy of anything more than the 5th or 6th round), and the contentness put me into dreamland for at least until the end of Round 1.

Am I sad that I missed the entire last half of Round 1 of the 2006 NFL Draft? No. Why, you ask?

Because I have it all on TIVO.