
I've Been Tagged

Damn you, Squab. Damn you!

Four jobs I've had:
1. Customer Service desk at Kohl's - oh lordy the things I would allow people to return.
2. Summer Events Staff at St. John's - basically moved furniture and babysat all summer
3. Account Coordinator at local employment agency. I was fired.
4. Dysfunction Analyst

Four movies I can watch over and over:
1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Star Wars (any of the originals and NONE of the new)
3. Office Space
4. You've Got Mail or Runaway Bride (I'm a sucker for Meg & Julia, not to mention Tom Hanks & Richard Gere)

Four places I've lived: (this one just makes me look pathetic)
1. St. Paul (East Side)
2. Hugo, MN
3. St. Joseph, MN (a.k.a. where Jacob Wetterling was abducted)
4. St. Paul (Highland Park)
(I know...I really get around)

Four TV shows I love:
1. The West Wing (deeply saddened by it's recent cancellation)
2. Grey's Anatomy (two words: Dr. McDreamy)
3. Love Monkey (ED!!! He's BACK!!!)
4. The Apprentice (guilty pleasure, I just love The Donald)

Four places I've vacationed:
1. Ireland (all over)
2. Glacier Park, Montana
3. New York, New York
4. North Shore (Lake Superior, NOT Hawaii...trust me, I'm not bragging)

Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Risotto
2. Eggs Benedict
3. Steak (medium rare)
4. Pizza (Green Mill w/Jim Beam wings as an app)

Four sites I visit daily: (I'm listing 5 so Gomer doesn't have a cow)
1. Snarky Squab
2. After School Snack
3. One Good Thing
4. Bitch PhD
5. Five Dollar Words

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. In a pub in Dublin or Kenmare, Ireland
2. In a pub down the street from my own house
3. In a pub in The OC (since St Pauly Boy is there right now)
4. In a pub, just about anywhere on earth

Four bloggers I am tagging:
1. Sadly, the only bloggers I know have already been tagged by Squab. Bitch.