
Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day

I'm in such a foul mood today. Not because it's Valentine's Day, just because. But I am having a hard time understanding why people celebrate this day. I don't love my husband any more today than I do every other day of the year. Why do we need this day to actually show it? Is this day really for the people who are bad at showing their affections to their loved ones, they actually need to focus on making an effort for just one lousy day out of the year? It's crap, in my opinion. SPB and I are pretty affectionate, all year round. We don't need an artificial day to make a bigger deal out of it.

But honestly, my mood is not about Valentine's Day (for those of you who can actually take me seriously right now, which I doubt you can, since I have a rather sarcastic tone 99.99% of the time). My mood issues can be directly linked back to my employment, which is way worse than being pissy about a stupid lovey dovey holiday.

Suggestions for ways to kill this bad mood would be greatly appreciated!