
Daily Dose of Marler

I'm not a morning person. Period, space space. Just not. I have a strict order in which I accomplish my morning tasks and when things get interrupted or happen out of order, I get pretty irritated. It's borderline obsessive/compulsive behavior, without the ritualizing (wash hands a certain number of times, take a certain number of steps from the bathroom to the bedroom, tap the brush to the hairdryer a certain number of times before turning it on, as examples, I do not perform any of those wacko rituals).

One of the things that I must have in the morning is my morning news. To be more specific, I need my morning weather man. Keith Marler, of Fox 9 morning news (Twin Cities). I have a ridiculous little crush on the man. He's not J. Crew model good looking or anything like that, he's just a normal guy. In fact, he's a little dorky to be quite honest. I can't explain why I like him so much, except to say that he's just so dang cute. Here he is, on the left:

Isn't he just adorable? Both my sis and I have to have our daily dose of Marler before starting our day. Our boys don't quite understand our fetish and we get picked on, pretty regularily. "Keith Marrrluuuuuuuuurrr", is one of the things we hear. But we don't care. We still love our weather man.

The only problem I have with this morning requirement is that I'm forced to watch Fox 9 News!! I can't stand Fox 9 News. The 2 anchors are o.k. but come off pretty stupid most of the time. I can handle them for the most part, but I am reaching my limit with one of their "street" reporters, M.A. Roscoe. SPB thinks she's hot, but quite honestly, she's just straight up annoying. Her stories are 100% pointless and her delivery is like a cabbage patch doll on speed. Cannot.Stand.Her. I want to pummel myself in the head with my blow dryer when she comes on.

But I'll suffer through. Because I have to get my daily dose of Marler, or things just don't go right. Ask me what the weather is supposed to be like. I won't know. I'm not paying attention to the weather, but the man in front of the weather.