
Celebrity Gossip Blogging

I'm thinking of making this a regular feature in St Pauly Girl, but I'm not sure I could officially tie it to a day of the week (for example: Thursday Celebrity Gossip Blogging) because, well, frankly I'm not good at keeping track what day of the week it is. Put me in a room full of calendars and I'm still going to go "today is.....uhhhhhhhh.....uhhhhhhhh....uhhhhhhhhh.....what's the question again??", you get the picture. So you know what? I'm just going to randomly blog celebrity gossip. Yeah, that'll be my bit. You'll never know when it's coming. It'll be all suspensful and shit.

On with it, good lord woman.

My favorite celebrity "top story" today is the BIGGEST mystery at the Sundance Film Festival this year. Are you kidding me? What a conspiracy. Anything regarding TomKat is a conspiracy in my opinion. But this article is delightful, making me laugh outloud in numerous spots. Such as this:

Cruise's camp rejected assertions the couch-jumping thespian and self-proclaimed sonogram expert had anything to do with the edit. Could there be a better description of Tom Cruise?? No.

And this:

Thus began the Case of the Missing Sex Scene. Dun dun dunnnnnnnn. Someone call the Utah Police, this will be their biggest case of the year!

And another high point of the article is how the description of this controversial scene went from a "...12-second scene of a hookup..." to "The steamy encounter...". Ummmmm, how steamy could a 12-SECOND HOOKUP be?

All in all, I give this story two enthusiastic thumbs up. Good fun had by all.