
Political Blogging. Yeah, I'm going there. Deal with it.

I'm feeling nauseous right now. Literally. Samuel Alito has been confirmed for the Supreme Court.

If this is indeed the end of the woman's right to choose in this country, then I'm dangerously close to filing for citizenship in another country. France sounds good about now. Not only are women's rights respected, but you can still smoke. Everywhere. I'm there. I'll put up with smelly French people and bad attitudes towards Americans, hell, I'll even relearn the language. Right now I'm so disgusted in my own country, my allegiance is up for grabs to the highest bidder.

My biggest question to the conservatives is how? HOW can you honestly justify removing a woman's right to choose her own personal health and safety? Because that is what will happen if abortion becomes illegal in this country. And before you answer, just realize for one second that all us crazy yahoo feminazi liberals are not demanding the maintenance of legal abortions as a form of birth control and we're not running around killing babies on a whim. I could never and will never understand the conservative justification for illegalizing abortion.

I'm seriously pissed. And sad at the same time. It's a tough combination of emotion to endure.

(Thanks to Elise at After School Snack for breaking the story for me. We weep together.)