
I wonder what ASSOTWID is doing right now...

I cannot for the life of me get focused today. I was out of the office last week for the last three days, at off-site training, and I had no access to the internet. None. The first day I was incredibly annoyed. How dare I be prohibited from checking email and blogging. But then after a day I realized that I was free. Free to be who I wanted to be. Free to be you and me. So anyway, now I'm back to work. And I'm struggling. I can't figure out what to work on. I can't remember what my actual job is. I can't even remember where the damn vending machine is.

So I'm sitting at my desk, listening to my iPod (until it dies on me, that is), and letting my mind wander a little. All I can think about is I wonder what that damn sheep is doing right now.