
Bonjour, Mes Amies!

I'm alive, I swear. I just suck at the blogging thing these days. Shout outs to Squab, I miss you and your damn daughter looks so stinking cute with pigtails, I could just barf. Also to C. Kerns. I miss my big brother. Keep on keepin' on. Salut to Tad and Lisa on the birth of Baby S.! Damn girl, you survived a 9 pound baby. I owe you a beer for that one. Can't wait to meet that lil' guy! Big Ups to M & P & Fi! Can't wait for baseball season, maybe I'll then I'll see you again. KC, you're still my cookie. X's and O's. Kyle, I still need that playlist, dammit. Still heart you though. I really don't think anyone else reads this thing or has read this thing in the past, I don't really know, but if I missed a shout out, then comment to your hearts content and I'll pay the dues where the dues should be paid.

Life = fab. Stinky Pete = sleeping at my feet right now. Snowblower usage = once and quite successful so far. Radio = rocks my world and hopefully someday I'll rock it's.

Peace and Love!
St. Pauly Girl