
GOD I can't wait for school to start again.

Why would the school season have any effect on my life, you ask? We don't have kids, neither one of us is in school right now, and neither one of us teach for a living. And yet, I am counting down until the kids* go back to school. Well, let me explain. The school year brings CURFEW back into business. I'm not talking about city law enforcement I'm talking about parental law enforcement. During the school year, the kiddies have to be home by the time the street lights come on and the older kids have so much homework because they go to shee-shee private prep schools that they don't have enough time to stay out late at night. Shit, the 9th graders are already working on the college applications, they don't have time to terrorize the neighborhood during the school year!

But during the summer, they are allowed to roam free. No fences. No leashes**. And no goddamn curfew. If there are curfew's, they certainly aren't enforced. Whatever happened to the concept of Summer School?? I want every single kid in the Highland Park neighborhood to be required to attend school year round. I'm taking it to the damn school board, I swear to god.

I guess I need to explain the reason for my rampage. This morning I was watering & feeding the dog when I looked out my kitchen window and discovered that someone had built a wall out of the brick pavers that were left over from the patio project, which we hadn't gotten around to moving into the fenced in area of the yard so they were chillin' on the side of the house, next to the sidewalk. They were totally on our property, not blocking anyone's way, these punk ass kids just decided to be complete a-holes and reek havoc for all the people in my neighborhood who have to get to Ford Parkway on their way to work. So I was out there, lugging these goddamn bricks back into the yard, steam coming out of my ears Popeye style, plotting the revenge on the skater punk ass kids in HP who hang out across the street at the gas station and smoke cigarettes and harass young girls.

We also had an incident a while back where a delivery from Eddie Bauer had been dropped off on our front stoop, only when I got home, it had been stolen.

So, while I hope to raise my own future Ivy Leaguers someday, I reserve the right to hate the little bastards for the moment.

*Whoever's kids, I don't care, just start school again, please.

** Would it be wrong to impose the same restrictions on kids 16 and under as the city has on pets? If you take them in public, they must be on a leash that is a minimum of 6 feet long. 3 feet long if they own a skateboard. That sounds good to me.