
Favorite Guilty Pleasures

(Via Snarky Squab)

Four Guilty Pleasures in Reading
1. People Magazine.
2. John Grisham
3. Used to read Danielle Steele. But I gave it up. I swear.
4. Dan Barreiro's Blog

Four Guilty Pleasures in Movies
1. You've Got Mail and/or Runaway Bride (pretty much any romantic comedy with Meg Ryan or Julia Roberts)
2. Twister. I'm obsessed with tornados. Even the completely unrealistic ones paired with hideous acting by Bill Paxton.
3. Clueless. Oh god that's embarassing. I even watched it this weekend on Comedy Central.
4. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. Enter Stage #1 of my Sarah Jessica Parker obsession.

Four Guilty Pleasures in Food
1. McDonald's.
2. Little Debbie's. Any kind. Can eat the whole. box.
3. Easy Cheese
4. Chinese buffets

Four Guilty Pleasures in Music
(WARNING: the following is a gross display of hidden love for pop music. Easily nauseated individuals should stop reading now.)
1. Britney Spears. It HURTS me to even say it.
2. N'Snyc. Oh god, I'm in PAIN.
3. Ashlee Simpson. Kill me now. Please. Put me out of my misery.
4. That one song, "Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy". I don't even know who sings it.

Trust me people, it hurts me as much as it hurts you.

Four Guilty Pleasures in TV
1. Mtv reality shows. Even though they practically induce rage-like emotions over the extreme ignorance and obnoxious behavior of the characters, for some reason, I can't quite make myself change the channel.
2. Gilmore Girls
3. Bridezillas on WE
4. Anything on E!

Four Guilty Pleasures in Booze
1. JagBulls (Jagermeister & Red Bull, in shot formation)
2. Apple Pucker. Out of the bottle.
3. Boones Farm. Also out of the bottle.
4. Franzia. You know, wine-in-a-bag-in-a-box?

Post Script: I will honestly be surprised if I have any friends left after publishing this. Take pity on a pop-culture-tortured soul!!

Post Post Script: Now tell me yours so I don't feel like such a loser. Do it for my self-esteem. Please!!