
Tomboy Tuesday

I'm a sports-aholic. I listen to sports talk radio on a daily basis. I watch Sports Center. Often. I am dangerously attached to my hometown teams. St Pauly Boy and I are MN Wild season ticket holders, our Sunday's revolve around the NFL (when it's in season), I am the only woman that I know that watches the entire NFL draft. The NFL DRAFT! And I enjoy it. WTF?? Even my bachelorette party revolved around sports...with a Twins game.

I noticed that I don't talk much about sports on this blog. After thinking about that, I realized that I started this blog in the height of our winter depression. One of the only things that helps me get through the winter depression in MN is good sports. Yeah, we haven't had a lot of good sports happening in MN lately. The Timberwolves are just hideous (to the point that I'm not even going to link to them) and the Wild, while always fun to watch live, just aren't that good. The Gopher hockey team is the only one with promise, but somehow still haven't brought me enough excitement to make a difference.

I didn't want to have to start my "Tomboy Tuesday" on such a sad note. We have lost a sports legend. At the young age of 45, Kirby Puckett has died. He was a staple in my childhood, a hero, one of the very reasons I am such a sports fanatic and devoted Twins fan to this day. His place in MN sports history contains the best sports memories of my life. I don't care how pathetic this may sound, but I'm too sad to even talk about it. I'll have to write more later.

Farewell, Kirby.