
Point of Insanity

I'm there. The last 2 weeks have been completely, unbearably insane. My mind has not yet caught up to my body, which has been operating on pure adreneline for the last few days. At least St. Patty's Day was a success. St. Pauly Boy and I had a *few* pints at our favorite neighborhood pub. It was packed with people, which normally, due to the stage of adulthood that I've entered, pisses me off and causes me to immediately retreat to my couch and my Tivo remote. But instead, the crowd energized me. All of the blinking green beer ad buttons and the green plastic hats, it was cheesy goodness. Our bartenders, being good friends of ours at this point, were equally intoxicated due to the "one for you, one for me" rule on the whiskey shots (none of which I ordered for myself, by the way). I ended the night, by myself at the pub since St. Pauly Boy and our overnight guests (not out of towners, rather, non-drunk-drivers) went home and I demanded that the night was not yet over for me. Apparently I was not quite capable of determining my "end of the night" because around 3am, while I'm sitting around with my bar family, singing and hugging and proclaiming our eternal love for each other, SPB walked back in the bar. And after being escorted home (1 block of stumbling down the sidewalk hanging on SPB's arm the whole way and blubbering how sorry I was for being such a bad wife), the end of my night was clearly marked by the blackout.

When I awoke, around 11:30 the next day, I was still slightly intoxicated. Just enough to make me giggle at everything. We had a relaxing day, laying around, watching movies and eating junk food. Happy freaking St. Patrick's Day, what a success!!

Last night I met another friend of ours who is a "regular" at our friendly neighborhood pub and I was greeted by my bar family with a lot more attention than I was expecting. I got a "how were you feeling Saturday morning?", followed by a "HEY drunk ass!!", follwed by a "all I have to say is....impressive performance!!". After inquiring about the nature of these reactions (basically throwing my face in my hands and wimpering "oh.my.god. I'm so embarrassed!!", they assured me that I had in no way acted like a complete idiot or performed any truly fucked up acts of drunkenness, just that I was basically the MVP of St. Patrick's Day. Cheers to Boss Man B, for putting up with me at 3am when you were trying to get all of the other patrons to leave even though I wouldn't. Cheers to B.B. for serving me Miller Lite at the end of the night, at my request, even though you know that's not normally my beer of choice but for some reason I was determined to drink it anyway. Cheers to Smiley, for huddling with me in the corner while BMB had his meltdown and started throwing stuff because no one was leaving his bar quick enough (including...us.). And cheers to D & K for the lovely shots of Irish Whiskey, which I actually detest, but you forced me to endure in honor of the holy day. Soberly, I love you all as much as I love you drunkenly.

And most of all, CHEERS to my St. Pauly Boy, for only staying mad at me for a few minutes, accepting my apology and my vow to never make him leave the bar without me (or have to walk back down there to drag my drunk ass home).